I’m sitting here trying to comprehend what we have just done. A few days back, we held our 311RS Premiere at Oakley HQ. Yes, that Oakley. They allowed us to premiere the 311RS and our short film at their worldwide headquarters. I couldn’t have asked for a better location to premiere the 311RS Program. Really, Oakley’s HQ is awesome.
The line up for the night was as follows: Set up at 4pm, doors open at 7pm, Presentation at 8:30, followed by our short film premiere about 10 minutes later. Pretty straightforward plan for the evening, but that’s all it really needed to be. Simple, effective, and to the point. Set up went well, with plenty of people lending a hand and executing the our plan very efficiently. Hanging photos, banners, setting up the DJ booth, loading the alcohol into the bars, placing the cars & lighting them, etc.
With everything in place by 6:45pm, we were all set! I took one last walk around to see how it all came together. It was awesome to see everything you plan come together so well. We had Nate Hassler’s photos of the 311RS printed on huge 5ft x 4ft foam cores and had them hanging on the wall, this was my favorite part of our display. The photos were so crisp, the PhaseOne IQ180’s quality shined with these larger prints. We had one 8ft x 4ft image printed for all in attendance to sign, it was so cool. We got more than 350 signatures! It’s going on my garage wall for sure.
Onto the event. We invited all of our friends, family and industry connects, about 600 total were invited. The Oakley theatre held 400, and we wanted to ensure it was filled. I was surprised and flattered at the amount of people that showed up. We had done it! Time to call Terri. Oakley’s HQ was packed! Audible Coffee was brought on to DJ the event and they nailed it. My friend Kyle van Block runs www.audiblecoffee.com and has a very discerning taste in music, so it was no surprise he killed it.
The music, combined with Pabst Blue Ribbon and Peligroso tequila was a great recipe for the night. People were dancing, having conversations and enjoying all of the displays we had set up. Each partner I worked with on the 311RS was on display in their own Oakley display case. Girodisc supplied us with a set of rotors and pads for display, AMS provided their bolt-ons, Voltex had aero on display, JRZ suspension had a fresh set of RS1s for all to enjoy. Cusco and Carbonetic shared a display as they are part of the optional “Track Pack” that’s available for the 311RS.
Once we had everyone on our list accounted for, it was time to present the 311RS and premiere our film. We had to shut off the music to finally get everyone shuffled into the theatre. They wanted to keep drinking and dancing haha. I had a few moments with the team to discuss our plan of action. All was set, it was time to give the full rundown on the 311RS program!
I had prepared a brief presentation that would explain the 311RS Program, why it’s here, and where it’s headed. It was really cool to be up there presenting the program I had worked on for the past few years. It came together really well, and other than my cotton mouth, the presentation was a success.
The film was then introduced by Jonny, Colt, and myself. It had started out as a simple promotional film for the 311RS, but eventually turned into so much more. We had plenty of content sitting on the cutting room floor, we decided to turn the film into a much more in-depth documentary-style promo film. It ended up being about 15 minutes long, with each step along the way documented and explained. It’s cool, each section has it’s own feel and has a reason for being. I like how it turned out. The final film will be released online in the next month or so as we prepare and finalize our marketing program.
As the film finished, we got a really nice ovation from everyone in the theatre. It was reassuring! Thanks again to all that attended. After the film, we help a brief Q&A before heading back out into the lobby for more drinks and music. This is where it turned into a party! Kyle van Block and Jason “The Dolphin Waxer” cranked up the sound system and melted peoples faces for the next two hours. As things were winding down, I took time to thank everyone I could for coming out, it was such a cool feeling to see an event that you put on come to close after a very successful execution.
This was the first time I had ever thrown an event, and I don’t know if there could have been a larger stage to try my hand at hosting an event. Either way, it went extremely well and I am very thankful to all involved. From here, we are beginning our final phase of development with the 311RS Prototype, with events in TX, AZ and finally One Lap of America. I can’t wait to get this thing fully dialed and ready for production! If you’re interested in purchasing a 311RS, email info@311RS.com and we’ll take it from there!